How To Cook Meat Safely

AM soo excited guys cause this is my first blog post , soo lemme go straight to the point i want to tell you guys things you must first do soo that you can all cook and eat meat safely 

Here''s the first thing to be sure of

  • Make sure that you boil you meat at a very very high temperature ,  but not so hot that the outside will burn before the inside has had a chance to cook 
  • If the amount of meat you are cooking is not verry much, move them around and turn them regularly so that each piece cooks evenly and a part wont be burnt while the other wont boil very well, hope u understand?
  • Now after cooking your meat ,check if very well visually to make sure they are cooked thoroughly.Temperature and cooking times will vary depending on the type of cut of meat and the method of cooking.

Which meats can be eaten rare?

Beef steaks, whole joints of beef, lamb chops, whole joints of lamb.
These can be eaten rare in the middle because harmful bacteria can only be on the outside. Vulnerable people, including elderly people, babies and toddlers, pregnant women and people who are unwell, should avoid eating lamb or beef that is rare or pink.

How should I cook these meats?

When you are cooking steaks, or whole joints of beef or lamb, pink or rare, use a high temperature to seal the meat and kill any bacteria that might be on the outside
You can tell a piece of meat has been properly sealed because all the outside will have changed colour

 Rest Your Meat

The purpose of resting meat is to allow the juices, which are driven to the center during cooking, to redistribute themselves throughout the meat. As a result,meat that has rested will shed much less juice than meat sliced straight after cooking. To test this theory, we grilled four steaks and let two rest while slicing into the other two immediately. The steaks that had rested for 10 minutes shed 40 percent less juice than the steaks sliced right after cooking. The meat on the unrested steaks also looked grayer and was not as tender. A thin steak or chop should rest for 5 to 10 minutes, a thicker roast for 15 to 20 minutes. And when cooking a large roast like a turkey, the meat should rest for about 40 minutes before it is carved.
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